Understanding The Works of Christ

Part 1 of 4

Welcome to Part 1 of our 4-part blog series, “Understanding the Works of Christ.” In this series, we will delve deeply into the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ, exploring their significance and relevance for believers today. This first part will set the stage by examining the theme of Christ’s works and sharing insights from a powerful dream that illustrates the transformative power of embracing the works of Jesus.

A Prophetic Dream and Its Significance

In my recent experience, God has been leading me to focus on themes I don’t usually preach about, such as the fear of God, idols, and worship. These themes are critical because they represent areas where God is purging His church, preparing it to take over and fulfill its purpose. One night, at my mother’s house, I had a prophetic dream that I feel compelled to share because it highlights the power and impact of Christ’s works in our lives.

The Dream

In the dream, I found myself at the River Tampa, at Rodney Howard Brown’s church. I was asked to preach, which took me by surprise. The setting was interestingly different from what it usually is—more natural and basic, yet clean and well-done. As I began to preach, a tidal wave of water swept through the building, not as a destructive force but as a powerful, purifying flood.


The Lord revealed to me that this tidal wave symbolized the release of God’s river within us. When we are in ministry, we carry this river with us, and when we release it, it has the power to flood and bless the lives of others. This river represents the transformative and purifying works of Christ that believers are called to experience and share.

The Call to Preach

God has been impressing upon me the importance of preaching about the works of Christ. Although I also lead worship, my primary calling is to preach. This calling has become clearer over time, especially as I experience the anointing that comes upon me when I step behind the pulpit. This anointing is not about me; it is about God using me to release His river, to bless and transform lives.

Addressing Doubts and Misconceptions

One of the key messages I want to convey is that the miracles and works of God are not confined to the past. There is a prevalent doctrine that suggests miracles ceased with the apostles, but this is not supported by scripture. My goal is to dismantle this belief and affirm that miracles, signs, and wonders are for today. They are an integral part of the works of Christ that continue to manifest through believers.

The Works of Christ in Scripture

To ground this message in scripture, let’s turn to John 8. In this chapter, Jesus speaks to the Jews who believed in Him. He emphasizes the importance of continuing in His word to truly be His disciples and know the truth that sets them free (John 8:31-32).

The Jews’ Response

The believing Jews responded by asserting their lineage from Abraham, claiming they were never in bondage. Jesus challenged this by pointing out that anyone who commits sin is a servant of sin and needs the Son to set them free (John 8:34-36). He further distinguished between physical lineage and spiritual alignment with Abraham, stating that true children of Abraham would do the works of Abraham, which includes faith and obedience to God (John 8:39-40).

The Blindness of Religion

Jesus addressed the blindness that religion can cause, where people believe they are free and righteous due to their heritage or adherence to the law, yet are spiritually blind and bound. This blindness prevented the Jews from recognizing Jesus as the Messiah, despite their outward religious fervor.

The Division Between Two Fathers

In John 8:44, Jesus makes a stark division, identifying His Father as God and the Jews’ father as the devil. This is evidenced by their actions, particularly their desire to kill Jesus, which aligned with the devil’s murderous nature. Jesus contrasted His works, which were aligned with God’s will, with their actions, which were influenced by their spiritual blindness and allegiance to the devil.

The Call to Recognize and Embrace the Works of Christ

Understanding and embracing the works of Christ is crucial for believers. Jesus’ works were not just historical events; they are ongoing and accessible to us today. By positioning ourselves to be used by God, we can release His river in our lives and the lives of others. This involves letting go of idols, embracing the fear and reverence of God, and believing in the continued power of His miracles.


In this first part of our series, we’ve explored the significance of the works of Christ and the transformative power of God’s river within us. As we continue in the following parts, we will delve deeper into specific works of Jesus, their scriptural foundations, and how we can experience and share them today. Stay tuned for more insights and revelations about the incredible works of Christ.

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