Part 4: The Urgency of Doing the Works of Christ

Welcome to the final part of our 4-part series, “Understanding the Works of Christ.” In this concluding segment, we delve into the urgency of doing the works of Christ in our lives today. Drawing on the powerful teachings and examples from Jesus, this blog highlights the importance of not only believing but also actively participating in the miraculous works that demonstrate God’s power and love.

Idolatry in Modern Times

Idolatry isn’t just a relic of the past. Today, many people idolize celebrities, musicians, and even leaders, often reacting to them with emotional fervor that should be reserved for God. This kind of devotion should remind us of the biblical accounts where people sought desperately to touch Jesus, like the woman with the issue of blood. We need to channel this same fervor towards Christ, recognizing that no other gods should come before Him.

The Greater Works

Jesus’ statement in John 14:12 is profound: “He that believes on me, the works that I do, he will also do, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go to my Father.” This promise is not confined to the apostles; it extends to all believers. As long as Jesus lives in us, His works continue through us. This underscores our role as bearers of His light in the world, charged with continuing His ministry of miracles, healing, and deliverance.

The Power of Unity with God

Jesus prayed for His followers to be one with the Father, just as He is (John 17:21). This unity empowers us to act with divine authority. When we declare that we are sent by God and one with Him, it is not arrogance but a reflection of Jesus’ prayer. This unity is essential for carrying out the works of Christ effectively.

The Role of Miracles

Miracles serve as tangible proof of God’s presence and power. They cut through skepticism and highlight the reality of the divine. The story of the blind man in John 9, who boldly testified to his healing, illustrates how miracles can challenge religious norms and bring glory to God. His testimony—”I was blind but now I see”—demonstrates the undeniable impact of encountering Christ.

Overcoming Offense in Ministry

Ministry often involves facing offense and betrayal, similar to Jesus’ experiences with Judas and Peter. These trials test our commitment to forgiveness and love. We must remain unoffended, praying for those who hurt us, and continuing to serve faithfully. This reflects the true heart of Christ, who forgave even those who denied and betrayed Him.

The Prophetic Word

Prophetic words play a crucial role in guiding and encouraging the church. A recent prophetic word shared with Pastor Leslie highlights the importance of perseverance and forgiveness in the face of slander and opposition. Such words remind us that God sees our struggles and will vindicate and bless us if we remain faithful.

The Call to Action

Believers today must rise to the challenge of doing the works of Christ. This involves:

  • Faith: Believing that God still performs miracles through His people.
  • Obedience: Listening to and acting on God’s instructions.
  • Perseverance: Continuing in ministry despite opposition and offense.
  • Unity: Maintaining a deep, personal relationship with God that empowers us to act in His authority.


In conclusion, the works of Christ are not just historical events but ongoing manifestations of God’s power through His people. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be the light of the world, performing greater works by His authority. This involves a commitment to faith, obedience, and perseverance, reflecting the heart of Christ in all we do. Let us embrace this calling, believing that with God, the impossible becomes possible.

Stay encouraged and empowered as you continue to walk in the light and do the works of Christ. Amen.

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