About Us

A Great Place To Call Home, Because You Belong!

At ReviveNow Church, our actions speak louder than words. We honor all who enter into the christian community promoting a thriving culture!

About Us

Walking Together, Growing in Faith

Our Mission

Jaco and Leslie are passionate about equipping believers across the globe with the Word and the Spirit of God as tools for Prophetic Evangelism. We are a revival driven ministry with strong emphasis on the miracles and the prophetic.

Our Vision

Our vision is to ignite preachers, ministers, and believers abroad with the tangible presence of Jesus Christ! When they are ignited, they take the Gospel of the Kingdom to the world! Whether pastoral or evangelistic, they are dedicated to the character of the Kingdom of God!


About Us

Welcome to ReviveNow Church in Tomahawk, where we welcome people from All walks of life!

At ReviveNow, we are more than just a congregation; we are a community ignited by God’s power and glory. Our vision is singular and steadfast: the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory of God. Here, we emphasize the unadulterated Word of God, delivered with passion and clarity. Our worship is anointed, powerful, and dynamic, setting the stage for God’s presence to manifest among us.

We believe in a holistic approach to healing and restoration. Our ministry is dedicated to ministering to the sick and the broken unequivocally. Spirit, soul, and body—we believe that Jesus has come to make you well in all areas of your being. This is why we focus on the Word, worship, and wonders.

ReviveNow Church is where you can expect to encounter God’s transformative power. Our community is focused on cultivating revival both within our walls and beyond. We are driven by a passion to reach the lost and bring them into the abundant life in Jesus Christ.

What sets us apart is our unwavering belief in God’s manifest power. Our services are marked by strong Holy Spirit-filled ( anointed ) worship and solid biblical teaching, followed by dynamic healing miracles and accurate prophetic words. We take to heart the words of Mark 16, embracing the call to preach and demonstrate the Kingdom through signs, wonders, and miracles.

As a non-denominational church, we welcome all who seek the truth of God’s Word. While we identify with Pentecostal beliefs and emphasize the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, we do not distance ourselves from any particular denomination. Our unity is in our shared love for Jesus and our commitment to His Kingdom.

At ReviveNow Church, we are spectators and participants in God’s unfolding story of redemption. Join us as we journey together, seeking God’s presence, experiencing His power, and sharing His love with the world. Come, be revived now.

Our Pastors

Where Faith Flourishes, Hope Abides

Jaco Theron

Senior Pastor

Leslie Theron

Senior Pastor

Get Started

Discovering God’s Purpose, Embracing God’s Love

Blog News

Our Latest Articles

Breaking Free from Depression: The Power of the Spirit of Life

Breaking Free from Depression: The Power of the Spirit of Life

Did you know that the Bible considers depression a form of sin? In ancient Israel, priests weren’t even permitted to…

The Unchanging Law: Why We Need Jesus

The Unchanging Law: Why We Need Jesus

Have you ever wondered why certain principles in life seem absolute and unchangeable? Take the law of gravity, for instance.…

Understanding the Breakthrough: The Power of the Law of Life in Christ Jesus

Understanding the Breakthrough: The Power of the Law of Life in Christ Jesus

The greatest breakthrough for Christians is in understanding a profound truth: the law of sin in the flesh, though real…


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