How Do Your Thoughts Become Spiritual?

By your words.

The Power of Words and the Brain Connection

It might surprise you, but this connection is backed by science: your tongue is directly linked to your brain. Jesus himself highlighted this profound truth when he said, “It’s not what goes into the mouth of a man that defiles him, but what comes out of the mouth of a man that defiles him.” This insight reveals a significant principle about the impact of our words on our spiritual and mental state.

The Transformation through Jesus

When Jesus intervenes in our lives, the first thing He does is touch our hearts. This symbolic act signifies the beginning of a profound transformation. Baptism, a pivotal moment in a Christian’s life, involves being submerged in water, symbolizing death to the old self. Rising from the water represents being born anew. This transformation isn’t merely about the heart but also involves a crucial change in our speech.

The Touch of the Holy Spirit

In Acts chapter 2, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles, the first manifestation was the touching of their tongues. This event underscores the significance of our speech in spiritual transformation. When God touches your tongue, it has the potential to alter your destiny and manifest your reality. The connection between your tongue and your mind means that changing your speech can lead to changes in your thoughts and actions.

Misconceptions about Confession

Many people believe that if they can change their thoughts, their words and actions will follow. However, this approach often proves ineffective, even after many years. The more effective way is to let God touch your tongue. Confession isn’t about changing external circumstances; Jesus already accomplished that through His sacrifice on the cross. Instead, the purpose of confession is to change your mind and build your faith.

The Role of Confession

Confession is a powerful tool for self-transformation. It’s not about making God act; it’s about aligning your thoughts and beliefs with His truth. By consistently speaking scripture and positive affirmations over yourself, you can transform your mind and, subsequently, your life. For instance, speaking in tongues or repeatedly confessing a few verses daily can lead to noticeable changes in a matter of weeks.

Building Faith through Confession

Jude 1:20 advises believers to “pray in the Spirit, building yourselves up in your most holy faith.” This verse emphasizes that the primary purpose of prayer and confession is to strengthen our own faith, not to coerce God into action. Our tongue is a tool for personal edification and spiritual growth.


Your words have a profound impact on your mind and spirit. The scientific and biblical truths align in emphasizing the power of speech. By allowing God to touch your tongue and by diligently confessing His truth, you can experience significant spiritual transformation. Remember, it’s not about changing your circumstances through confession but about changing yourself and your beliefs. As your faith grows, what once seemed impossible can become possible.

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