Lukewarm Christianity: A Call to Spiritual Fire

The book of Revelation contains some of the most stirring and vivid messages to the churches. One such message is the stern warning against being lukewarm. Jesus’ words, “So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth,” serve as a profound wake-up call to Christians everywhere. This isn’t about sin per se, but about the intensity of our devotion and commitment to God.

The Danger of Lukewarmness

The issue at hand isn’t just about sin, but rather our fervor for God. When we are lukewarm, we are not useful to God. A lukewarm Christian is complacent, self-satisfied, and lacks the zeal that is necessary for a transformative spiritual life. This lukewarmness can be more dangerous than outright disbelief or passionate faith because it breeds complacency and a false sense of security.

The Misconception of Self-Sufficiency

Many of us, at some point, have felt we have everything we need. Revelation describes people saying, “I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing.” Yet, Jesus points out their true condition – they are “wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.” This stark contrast highlights the danger of self-deception. We may possess material wealth and comfort, but without a fiery passion for God, we are spiritually destitute.

Recognizing Our True Condition

To avoid being lukewarm, it’s essential to recognize our true spiritual state. Are we truly on fire for God? Are we consumed by His love and driven by a desire to serve Him? This self-examination is crucial. Being on fire for God means our lives are completely transformed and dedicated to Him. It’s not about sporadic acts of faith but about a sustained, passionate pursuit of God’s will in every aspect of our lives.

The Refiner’s Fire

Jesus counsels us to buy gold refined in the fire, symbolizing the purification process that comes through trials and tribulations. This refining process is necessary to strip away our complacency and ignite a fervent love for God. Clothed in white garments, we reflect purity and righteousness, free from the shame of spiritual nakedness.

Embracing God’s Discipline

Revelation also reminds us that God’s rebuke and chastening are acts of love. “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore, be zealous and repent.” God’s discipline is not meant to harm but to correct and guide us back to a path of righteousness. Just as a loving parent corrects their child, God’s rebuke is a sign of His deep love for us.

Living a Life on Fire for God

Being on fire for God is about having our entire lives consumed by a passion for Him. It means we cannot go on without doing something for the Lord. This fire should be evident in everything we do, transforming our daily actions and decisions. It’s not just about occasional moments of fervor but a consistent, all-consuming passion that defines our very existence.


The call to be either hot or cold, but not lukewarm, is a call to a vibrant, dynamic faith. It’s an invitation to examine our lives, recognize our true spiritual state, and seek a deeper, more passionate relationship with God. As we embrace this call, let us remember that God’s discipline is a testament to His love, designed to refine us and ignite a fire that cannot be quenched. Let us strive to live each day with a burning passion for God, allowing His all-consuming fire to transform us completely. Amen.

-Pastor Leslie Theron

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