The Power of the Cross: Understanding Jesus’ Crucifixion and Its Impact

In John 12:32, Jesus made a profound statement: “When I am lifted up, I will draw all men unto myself.” This verse is often misunderstood, with some interpreting the “lifting up” as Jesus’ ascension into heaven. However, in the very next verse, John 12:33, it is clarified that Jesus was referring to the manner of […]

Understanding the Blessing of God: A Deeper Dive into Mark 14:22 and Beyond

In Mark 14:22, Jesus shares bread with His disciples, stating, “Take, this is my body.” This passage is often read during Communion services to remember the sacrifice of Jesus. However, there’s more to unpack from this verse and related scriptures to understand the multifaceted nature of the blessing it signifies. The Body of Christ: A […]