The Danger of Idolatry and Lifeless Worship

In our spiritual journey, the objects of our worship significantly shape our lives. The Bible vividly describes how idolatry renders one as lifeless as the idols they worship. These idols have mouths that cannot speak and eyes that cannot see, symbolizing a profound spiritual blindness and deafness. A stark illustration of this can be found […]

Understanding The Works of Christ Part 3

The Perpetual Works of Christ Welcome to Part 3 of our 4-part blog series, “Understanding the Works of Christ.” In this section, we continue exploring the enduring nature of Christ’s works and how believers are called to participate in these miraculous deeds. By examining the healing of the blind man in John 9, we uncover […]

Understanding The Works of Christ Part 2 of 4

The Necessity of Obedience in Following Christ Welcome back to Part 2 of our 4-part blog series, “Understanding the Works of Christ.” In this section, we delve deeper into the importance of obedience to God, as illustrated through Jesus’ teachings and actions. This blog will explore how true discipleship is demonstrated by hearing and obeying […]