The Fear of the Lord: A Call to Reverence in the Modern Church

In today’s world, the notion of fearing the Lord often seems antiquated or misunderstood. However, this fear is not about terror or dread but about profound respect, awe, and recognition of God’s ultimate authority. The biblical story of Moses exemplifies this reverence, illustrating the power of God’s decisions and the importance of aligning ourselves with His will.

Understanding God’s Sovereignty

Throughout Exodus, we see instances where God contemplates severe actions against the Israelites due to their disobedience. However, Moses, understanding the magnitude of God’s power, intercedes on their behalf, reminding God of His promises. This interplay highlights two crucial aspects: God’s unwavering authority and the importance of righteous intercession. Moses’ fear of the Lord was rooted in the recognition that God, as the Alpha and Omega, holds absolute power over life and death.

The Need for Reverence in the Church

In modern times, the church has often become too comfortable, losing the sense of reverence that characterized early believers. This lack of fear of the Lord can lead to complacency and a misunderstanding of God’s nature. We must remember that God’s decisions are final and beyond our control. Aligning with His will is not optional; it is a fundamental aspect of faith. When God acts, we have no choice but to follow or face the consequences of our disobedience.

Signs and Wonders: Divine or Deceptive?

One of the contentious topics in the church today is the perception of signs and wonders. Some view these as divine manifestations, while others dismiss them as evil or deceptive. However, the Bible is clear that God uses signs and wonders to demonstrate His power and affirm His message. For instance, God hardened Pharaoh’s heart to multiply His signs and wonders, showcasing His might to the Israelites and Egyptians alike.

It’s blasphemous to dismiss signs and wonders as inherently evil. Genuine miracles point us toward God, while counterfeit ones lead us astray. A true prophet performing signs and wonders will always guide people towards Jesus, never away from Him. This distinction is crucial in discerning the source of these supernatural events.

The Danger of Counterfeits

The rise of new age practices within the Christian community is alarming. Many believers dabble in energy healing, crystal therapy, and other such practices, believing they find relief and well-being. While these practices may provide temporary comfort, they are counterfeit miracles that ultimately lead people away from Christ.

It’s a grave concern when Christians, knowingly or unknowingly, open themselves up to demonic influences through these practices. The Bible warns us about false prophets who perform counterfeit miracles to deceive even the elect. We must remain vigilant and grounded in our faith to avoid falling prey to these deceptions.

A Call to Purity and Commitment

The church must return to a state of reverence and fear of the Lord. This means rejecting practices that contradict biblical teachings and embracing a life of purity and commitment to God. The story of Moses and the Israelites serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences of straying from God’s path.


Revering God is not about living in fear but about recognizing His sovereignty and aligning our lives with His will. As believers, we must embrace this fear of the Lord, ensuring our actions and beliefs reflect His teachings. The church needs a revival of reverence, a return to understanding that God is in control and His decisions are final. By doing so, we align ourselves with His purpose and experience the true power and blessings of walking in His ways.

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