Understanding the Command of Obedience: A Pathway to Financial and Spiritual Liberation

Hey everyone,

I wanted to dive into something I’ve been reflecting on a lot lately. It’s about the connection between obedience and our overall well-being, especially when it comes to managing our finances. It’s a profound insight: many people struggle with financial issues because they struggle with obedience. This might sound a bit strong, but bear with me as we unpack this.

The Nature of Christ’s Commands

We often focus on the promises and inheritance that come with faith, and while those are incredibly important, they don’t cancel out the fact that Jesus also gives us commands. These commands aren’t just about the Ten Commandments given to Moses; they’re about our relationship with Jesus and His guidance in our lives.

Think about it: when Jesus asks you to do something, it’s not a casual suggestion. It’s a command. For example, He might nudge you to speak to someone or take a specific action. This isn’t just a friendly request. It’s something He expects us to do because it’s part of His plan for us.

Jesus as Master and Father

We often talk about Jesus as a loving Father, which He absolutely is. But He’s also our Master. The disciples called Him “Master” for a reason. This dual role means He guides us with love but also with authority. When we mess up, He forgives us and helps us get back on track, but His expectations remain. He expects us to follow through on His commands.

Obedience and Financial Stewardship

This brings me to a critical point about financial stewardship. There’s a common misconception in many churches regarding how we give. Many people refer to 1 Corinthians 8, saying we should give based on what we feel in our hearts. But they often overlook the verse that precedes it: “He that sows sparingly shall reap sparingly, and he that sows bountifully will reap bountifully.”

This principle of sowing and reaping is key. We need to decide in our hearts whether we want to be generous or hold back. Our decision directly impacts the blessings we receive. It’s not about giving based on a fleeting feeling but making a deliberate choice to be obedient in our giving.

Responsible Teaching in Churches

There’s a real need for responsible teaching about finances in churches. Emphasizing the freedom of giving according to personal conviction can sometimes lead to financial struggles. It’s crucial to balance this with the responsible side of giving. When we understand the full message of sowing and reaping, we’re empowered to make informed, obedient decisions about our finances.


Obedience to Christ’s commands, including those related to financial stewardship, is essential for both spiritual growth and financial freedom. Recognizing Jesus as both Master and Father helps us appreciate the importance of following His directives. When we align our actions with His commands, we tap into the fullness of His promises and the abundance that comes with faithful obedience.

By embracing this balanced approach, we can break free from financial struggles and live a life that reflects the principles of the kingdom of God. The path to financial freedom and spiritual growth lies in understanding and obeying the commands of Christ, allowing us to experience the true blessings of a life devoted to Him.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope it resonates with you and helps you on your journey.

Take care!

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