Understanding The Works of Christ Part 3

The Perpetual Works of Christ

Welcome to Part 3 of our 4-part blog series, “Understanding the Works of Christ.” In this section, we continue exploring the enduring nature of Christ’s works and how believers are called to participate in these miraculous deeds. By examining the healing of the blind man in John 9, we uncover profound lessons about faith, obedience, and the manifestation of God’s power in the world today.

The Miracles Continue

A key question often posed is whether the miraculous works of Christ have ceased. The answer is unequivocally, no. As long as Jesus continues to save and indwell believers, His works persist. Jesus declared, “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” (John 9:5). Through His presence in us, it remains “day,” and the works of God continue.

The Healing of the Blind Man

Returning to John 9, we witness a powerful miracle. Jesus encountered a man blind from birth, and His method of healing was unconventional. He spat on the ground, made clay with the saliva, and anointed the man’s eyes. Then, He instructed the man to wash in the Pool of Siloam. The man obeyed, and his sight was miraculously restored.

Reactions to the Miracle

The neighbors and those who knew the man were astonished. Some doubted whether he was the same person, while others confirmed his identity. When asked how he received his sight, the man testified that Jesus healed him. The skeptics brought him to the Pharisees, who questioned him extensively, especially since the healing occurred on the Sabbath.

Conflict with Religious Authorities

The Pharisees were divided. Some argued that Jesus could not be from God because He violated the Sabbath, while others were amazed by the miracle. The healed man boldly proclaimed Jesus as a prophet, further inciting the Pharisees’ ire. They summoned his parents, who confirmed his blindness from birth but deferred further questions to their son due to fear of expulsion from the synagogue.

The Parents’ Dilemma

The parents’ reluctance underscores the significant social and religious pressures of the time. Confessing Jesus as the Christ could lead to severe consequences, including being ostracized from the community. This fear illustrates the profound impact of Jesus’ ministry and the revolutionary nature of His works.

The Bold Testimony of the Healed Man

Despite the Pharisees’ intimidation, the healed man remained steadfast. When pressed to denounce Jesus, he famously replied, “Whether He is a sinner or not, I do not know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” (John 9:25). This simple yet powerful testimony highlighted the undeniable reality of the miracle.

Division Among the Pharisees

The Pharisees’ inability to reconcile the miracle with their rigid interpretations of the law led to a stark division. Some refused to believe, clinging to their legalistic views, while others were forced to acknowledge the divine nature of Jesus’ works. The man’s unwavering testimony ultimately led to his expulsion from the synagogue.

Jesus and the True Nature of Worship

The controversy surrounding the healing on the Sabbath revealed deeper issues about true worship and the recognition of God’s presence. Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath, demonstrated that genuine worship is not confined to rituals but is expressed through faith and obedience. The religious leaders, fixated on the law, missed the living God in their midst.

The Power of Miracles

Miracles serve as tangible evidence of God’s power and presence. They cut through doubt and disbelief, compelling even skeptics to confront the reality of divine intervention. The healed man’s transformation from a blind beggar to a bold witness exemplifies the transformative impact of encountering Christ.

The Challenge for Believers

Today, believers face similar challenges. Many churches and individuals struggle with recognizing and embracing the ongoing works of Christ. Familiarity and skepticism often hinder the acceptance of modern-day miracles. However, as followers of Jesus, we are called to believe and participate in these works, allowing God’s power to manifest through us.

The Role of Faith and Obedience

Faith and obedience are crucial. Jesus emphasized that His works bore witness to His divine origin. Similarly, our faith in Christ should manifest in actions that reflect His power and love. By obeying His commands and stepping out in faith, we become conduits for His miracles.

The Light of the World

In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus declared that His followers are the light of the world. This declaration extends His mission to us, affirming that His presence in believers perpetuates His works. As the light of the world, we are called to let our good works shine, glorifying our Father in heaven.

Addressing the Cessationist Doctrine

The cessationist doctrine, which claims that miracles ceased with the apostles, is refuted by Scripture. Jesus’ commission to His disciples in Matthew 28:18-20 includes the continuation of His works. Furthermore, passages like 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 and Philippians 2:12-15 reinforce that believers are to shine as lights in the world, manifesting God’s power.


The works of Christ have not ceased. As long as Jesus dwells in believers, His miraculous deeds continue. The healing of the blind man in John 9 serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring nature of Christ’s works and the transformative impact of faith and obedience. As followers of Christ, we are called to embrace and participate in these works, shining as lights in a darkened world. Stay tuned for Part 4, where we will explore practical ways to live out the works of Christ in our daily lives.

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